Friday, October 3, 2008

Heya! This is my first post to this new blog of mine ! Starting with a recent bug on orkut which is being generally faced only by a bunch of users ! Its an issue which can irritate any user to an unbearable height !

Issue :- Not Able To Change His / Her Main Display Image!

Many users reported in Orkut Help Group about this issue !
Our Official Orkut Guide - Vandini posted a thread regarding this issue !

She stated that :-

Hi Guys,

We’ve seen a lot of you write in about having problems in updating
your profile photo. Please note that we’re investigating this issue
and I will get back to you guys when I have an update !


Well, I personally know how irritating it is not able to change your display pic !

I hope the bug gets fixed soon !

Cheers !

~ ' Display Pic ' ~ - Work Arounds

We Know, As we have already discussed one of the most here ! ..

Obviously, every one of us wants some workaround for it :D :-
So, here are some ;-)

Go Through These Orkut Help Links :-

They'll definitely help you out :-

Change profile photo :-

Unable to view photos

Problems uploading photos

These were some alternatives if you are facing any problem while uploading / removing / changing your display pic ..!!

On the other hand.. you can also perform the following :-

1. Trying different images !

2. Trying from a different browser !

3. Also, you may disabled your antivirus or firewall [At your own risk] and try !

4. You may also try changing your photo from a different system !

5. Also as a temporary solution while uploading an image ; select "use original"
& don't go for cropping your picture as some users face different problems while cropping the pic!

PS:- Try them on your at own risk! 

~ ' Recent Visitors - Bug ~ '

Orkut was also recently struck by a bug in which people were able to get the number of visitors they had .. But they were not able to get to know who were they actually ??

Not seeing the visitors, puzzled many users around .. and they posted their problem in the Orkut Help Group !

Some of them had not even switched on their visitors :D but seeing others posting, they also posted their issue ! People who were facing this because of the problem in their settings, their issue was fixed immediately ! :D But, those who had this issue because of the bug present in Orkut server.. were in great pain !

Well, engineers were really working to their best of their abilities to fix this issue and you should be able to see the updates rolling shortly. Have some patience, that is only solution now..! :D

Well, Click here to see those users who got it fixed recently !

Also, Click here to see the *possible* workarounds of this issue!

~ ' Download Different Browsers ~ '

Some unlucky time .. When you are facing an issue .. you try every bit of yourself to fix it and still you fail ! The easiest workaround we always skip .. It is nothing else than switching to a different browser! Well, here are some different browser which are very well supported by Orkut and other Google Products ! :-)

Here are some browsers which you can use in case of being stuck :-

Click on the name of the browser for downloading them !

1. Internet Explorer -

from Microsoft,u can download.

2. Mozilla Firefox -

3. Apple Safari -

4. Netscape Navigator -

5. Opera -

6. Google Chrome -

~ ' Recent Visitors - Workaround ' ~

We have already discussed about the recent visitor bug striking orkut badly ! =D*-

Here are some *alternative* rather call it temporary workarounds which *may* work for you! First of all i will like you all to go through these Orkut support links .. May be they work out for you !

Profile and Communities: No visitors shown

Profile Features: Profile views

Also, Check your settings once again, one last time .. to make sure that you have not switched them off by mistake or by any chance !..

Checking Your Settings ; See the screenshot :-

Also, Try disable/and then enable back the option and wait for 24 hours ..!! [Actually, it resets the visitors .. So sometimes it gets back to normal]

If all the above mentioned methods fail, and you are still not able to view your visitors..

Also, Try disable/and then enable back the option and wait for 24 hours ..!! [Actually, it resets the visitors .. So sometimes it gets back to normal]

If all the above mentioned methods fail, and you are still not able to view your visitors..

~ ' How To Report A Bug To The Orkut Team ' ~

We all know, being an 0rkut user you keep on facing new and different bugs now and then !
So, its not at all surprising if you only come across a bug on Orkut !

Now, the problem arises.. Where to post about this bug ? What to do? If its a big loop hope, you cannot even post in The Orkut Help Group, else you can always post the bug there.. Any experienced user will surely report to the bug to the team !

Note :- Do check the group before posting so as to confirm whether some one has already posted the bug or not ! Also check the known issues page to see the bugs prevailing that moment !

Well, if you have found a bug on your own.. Why should you rely any one for posting that?


I'll teach you how to report a bug to the team!
Click here to open the known issues page:-

Now See The following screenshot :-

Click To Enlarge !

Yes ! You are right..! You just need to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on let us know !

You'll Reach To The Troubleshoot Page ; The link in your address bar would be :-

Here is a view of your form which you need to fill :-

PS:- You will have to wait for atleast 3-10 US *working* days for the response from the team !

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